Intraday Nifty Future Tips
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Nifty futures are index futures where the underlying is the S&P CNX Nifty index. In India, index futures trading commenced in 2000 on the National Stock Exchange (NSE).
For Nifty futures contracts, the permitted lot size is 50, and in multiples of 50. Like other futures contracts, Nifty futures contracts also have a three-month trading cycle -- the near-month, the next month and the far-month.
How to trade in Intraday Nifty Future Tips with best intraday tips provider company in India ... We are providing you daily single nifty future trading call with single target and single Sl. Daily target - 30 points and sl - 20 Point also maintaining accuracy of 80% . We Request our clients to trade daily with same lot of size so that we can maintain our risk reward ratio.
As per our advice on purely technical trading we are providing you 200 Points in a month.. so trading with single lot trading you are getting of profit - Rs 15,000/- per month. Trade with one of the best nifty future tips provider company in India.